Application Forms Sale

Form Sale

If you need any assistance, please contact the following lines:
0596917203 / 0596917218

The JANUARY 2024/2025 ADMISSION is closed for All Degree Nursing and Midwifery Regular Programmes.

Kindly follow the instructions below to obtain voucher for your application form.

  1. Dial *771*118#
  2. Select option 2. (Application Form)
  3. Select Application Type
    Degree - for those applying for Undergraduate/Degree Programmes
    PG - for those applying for Post Graduate/Masters Programmes
    Dip - for those applying for Diploma Programmes
    Cert - for those applying for Certificate Programmes
  4. Provide your First Name
  5. Provide your Last Name
  6. Select option 1 or 2
    The option 1. is CalBank's Wallet if you already have account with CalBank
    The option 2. is for Mobile Money users.
  7. Check the summary and confirm purchase by selecting option 1. to proceed with the usual momo/bank payment.

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